Serum Uric Acid in Hypertension and Cerebrovascular Accident

AUTHOR(s) : Devi Jilimili, Begum Bilkish
DOI No. : 09.2016-86283844

A case control study was undertaken to evaluate any association of serum uric acid level with hypertension and to study whether serum uric acid level is elevated in cases of cerebrovascular accident or not. A total of 100 subjects were included in this study to assess the possible association of serum uric acid level in diagnosed cases of hypertension and cerebrovascular accident. Among the subjects, 20 cases suffered from essential hypertension, 30 cases were of cerebrovascular accident and 50 subjects served as control group. Serum uric acid level was estimated in all the subjects calorimetrically. The mean serum uric acid levels in control group, hypertension and cerebrovascular accident cases were 3.34 ± 0.46 mg/dl, 4.95 ± 1.38 mg/ dl and 5.00 ± 0.83 mg/dl respectively with a significance of P < 0.001. It was found to be increased significantly not only in hypertension cases but also in cerebrovascular accident cases. Conclusion: A significant association between high serum uric acid level and hypertension as well as cerebrovascular accident was observed. Thus by estimating the serum uric acid level in diagnosed cases of hypertension we can screen out the patients that may have the chance of developing cerebrovascular accident in future.

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