Factors Associated with Stress Among B.Sc. Nursing Students

AUTHOR(s) : Deka Meghali
DOI No. : 09.2016-55258776

Stress is a universal phenomenon and an unavoidable part of human life. In professional courses like nursing, initial period of course is stressful and it adversely affects the emotional, physical, social, and academic functions of the student nurses. A descriptive study was conducted among all the B. Sc. Nursing students studying in B. Sc. Nursing College Dibrugarh to find the level of stress and the factors associated with stress among them and it was found that majority of 85% students had above normal stress, 13% had normal stress and 2% had severe stress. Among the factors contributing to stress, the academic factors had maximum contribution (40%), followed by intrapersonal factors (30%). The environmental factor had only 21% contribution whereas the interpersonal factors contributed minimally (9%). Stress has become a chronic and pervasive condition in the world today. Every person experience different forms of stress throughout their life, therefore a student nurse is no exception as she has to adjust to an entirely new environment on joining the course in nursing. Certainly stress in the college setting cannot be eliminated, but preparing the student nurses to manage it properly can do a better task.

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