Age Related Histological changes of Human Spleen

AUTHOR(s) : Deka Himamoni , Das TK, Talukdar KL
DOI No. : 01.2017-28347268

The spleen was a source of intrigue to ancient physician and philosophers. It is the largest lymphoid organ takes important part in body immunity, as high incidences of serious bacterial infections were reported following splenectomy in infancy. A research work was carried out in the department of Anatomy, Gauhati Medical College. The histological characteristics of 21 normal human spleens were studied under light microscope in different age groups and to correlate them functionally. The specimen of spleen varies from newborn to eighty year old cadavers, within stipulated time limit after fulfilling the formalities. The spleens were first washed in normal saline, dried with blotting paper. Tissues were fixed, processed and slides were prepared using standard laboratory procedure of haematoxylin and eosin staining. The size of white pulp that seen on histological sections, increase with age, reach its peak around puberty and then involutes. Sizes of white pulp were measured and then statistically analysed using Student’s T-test. P value d” 0.05 is considered as statistically significant. The data obtained in this study will help in certain medico-legal practices and will give insight of different clinical presentations. This study may be used as a podium for further sophisticated studies.

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