An in-vitro Study Comparing Shear-Peel Band Strength of Untreated and Sandblasted Orthodontic Bands using Conventional Glass Lonomer Cements

AUTHOR(s) : Ullah Md. Kalim, Bora Mitali
DOI No. : 01.2017-68848474

Objectives: To compare the shear-peel band strength of untreated (non-sandblasted) and sandblasted orthodontic bands using two conventional glass ionomer cements- KetacTM-Cem Radiopaque (3M, ESPE) and GC Gold Label Type-1 (GC, Corporation). Methodology: 50 freshly extracted human mandibular third molars were selected and randomly assigned groups of 25 sample each for specific cements with and without sandblasting. Shear–peel band strength in megapascals were obtained by debanding the cemented bands for each group’s specimen using an Instron Universal Testing Machine. Data was analyzed with ANOVA followed by a Tukey test. Results: An increase of 72.4% in the retentive strength was observed with sandblasted orthodontic bands cemented with KetacTM Cem and about 76.2% of retentive strength with sandblasted one cemented with GC type-1 glass ionomer cement in comparison to untreated bands. Conclusion: Statistically significant differences were noted between non-sandblasted and sandblasted bands groups. The retentive force was increased to almost three quarter folds with sandblasted bands, irrespective of cement used.

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