The clinical profile and histological variations of Medulloblastoma in North East India

AUTHOR(s) : Bhuyan Mrinal, Haque Inamul
DOI No. :

Introduction: Medulloblastoma is the most common embryonal central nervous system (CNS) tumor of childhood. Medulloblastoma comprises up to 38% of all pediatric posterior fossa tumour. Objectives: To study the clinical presentation of medulloblastoma with regards to variables like age, sex, etc., the CT, MRI features and the various histological types, the modes of management and outcome of the patients belonging to the Northeast India. Method: This prospective study done in the Department of Neurosurgery Gauhati Medical College and Hospital from January 2010 to December 2016. A total of 65 patients were included in the study. Results: Most cases belonged to the paediatric age group with only 4.6% cases above 15 years. Male comprised 61.5% and female 38.4% with male to female ratio 1.6:1. Classical type was the most common with 51(78.4%) cases. Desmoplastic variant comprised 12(18.4%) cases and was seen in older age. Classical variants appeared as homogenous mass in CT scan while the desmoplastic and anaplastic variant appeared as heterogenous mass. Classical variants 49(75.3%) were mostly vermian in location. Heterogeneity is more common in the older age group and it is more prominent in MRI than CT. Gross total excision was done in 51(78.46%) cases and near total was done in 14(21.5%) cases. Recurrence was noted in 6 cases. Conclusion: Medulloblastoma is commonly seen in paediatric age and more common in males. Classical variant was the most common type with mostly vermian location. CT and MRI features varied in different variants of medulloblastoma. In most of the cases gross total excision was possible and surgical outcome is favorable.

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