Dermatoglyphics in Vitiligo

AUTHOR(s) : Prachi V Gole, Bhalchandra G Chikhalkar, Siddhi B Chikhalkar, Sandeep V Haridas, Swapnil A Sanghavi
DOI No. :

Introduction: Dermatoglyphics is the study of dermal ridges and the patterns formed by them. Aims: Here, we have compared dermatoglyphic patterns in patients with vitiligo and gender matched control population, and tried to find out if any of the dermatoglyphic patterns is more commonly associated with severe disease. Methods: A total of 100 clinically diagnosed cases of vitiligo were included along with 100 gender matched controls. Fingerprints were recorded using the Ink method of Purvis and Smith. Rolled fingertip prints as well as palm prints were taken and studied using a hand lens. Parameters studied were pattern types (loops, arches and whorls), a-b ridge count, atd angle. Analysis of dermatoglyphics was done by forensic experts.

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