Impact of antenatal care on postnatal outcomes among postnatal women in a selected district hospital, Assam

AUTHOR(s) : Borah Kobita, Talukdar Kunjalal
DOI No. :

Introduction: Maternal mortality rate in developing countries has almost defied the advance made by health care facilities. Such unfortunate deaths can be barred radically by providing state of the art antenatal, natal and postnatal care. This study is designed to recognize the impact of antenatal care on the outcome of the postnatal women in relation with a number of key parameters. Furthermore, it also aims to understand the association between antenatal cares with a setof selected demographic variables. Methods: This study was undertaken by adopting System Model as the conceptual framework. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 100 postnatal women in a selected hospital in Assam. Semi structured interview schedule, record analysis and physical assessment proforma were used to collect information.

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