Esthetic rehabilitation of fluorosis affected teeth

AUTHOR(s) : Kataki Rubi, Bora Proxima, Shekhawat Krutika, Neingutunuo Angami
DOI No. :

This article describes an esthetic rehabilitation of a case of severe fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is caused by an excessive fluoride intake during tooth formation. Fluoride-related alterations in enamel lead to surface hyper mineralization and subsurface hypo mineralization which are characterized by white opaque appearance with secondary brown stain. Esthetic rehabilitation of fluorosis affected teeth. Direct composite technique was applied to improve the color, shape and alignment of the teeth using direct composite veneering. Esthetically pleasing result. Long-term clinical trials are needed to evaluate the appropriateness of the various management options for fluorosis of varying severity. Keywords: Bonding, management, veneer,

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