To evaluate knowledge and awareness of consent in medical practice amongst the medical practitioner

AUTHOR(s) : Wankhade Pawan A1 , Ninanve Sudhir V2 , Mohite PrakashM3 , Patond SwapnilK4
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v4.i2.2018.6

Assessment of knowledge, awareness and current practice about consent amongst the Medical practitioners. Objectives: To study a) the orientation regarding the various prerequisites while notifying the consent b)study current practice of obtaining consent c) present way of documenting the consent forms in medical investigative and operative procedure d) knowledge of obtaining consent in special circumstances like Medical management of Minors, operative procedures, Medicolegal autopsy, medicolegal examination of drunken persons, etc. Materials and methods: Cross sectional Observational study.Collective sampling method was used.Sample size: 200 RMP working in medical college were included. An elaborate questionnaire was prepared to obtain all the information incorporated in the aim and objectives of the study. Results: The correct responses were calculated. All the variables in the study were analyzed statistically by using HPSS software 17.0 version and Spearman’s Rank order correlation coefficient.It was found that the participants are not having the required knowledge and awareness regarding consent taken in various fraternities in medical field applicable in different conditions. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Medical practitioners were not having required Knowledge regarding consent and awareness, regarding correct practice of obtaining consent in various circumstances c) Lack of awareness may be justified by non availability of CMEs & orientation programmes regarding information about consent and also diverse field of Participant doctors.

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