Tila taila as sneha abhyanga in sandhigatavata for swelling to prove the theory "Snehat Vatam Smayati"

AUTHOR(s) : Kalita Upen1 , Deka Himamoni2 , Barman Niten3
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v4.i2.2018.15

Ayurveda is the science of life as well as the longevity. It’s aim is to preserve the positive health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of the diseased one. whole treatment is based on two siddantas only- samanya siddhanta and vishesh siddhanta . Out of these, guna vishesh siddhanta which is related to opposite guna, was taken to see the role of tila taila as sneha abhyanga (external massage) in Sandhigatavat in relation to swelling and to prove the theory “Snehat Vatam Smayati”. Methods: 30 patients of Sandhigatavata, age 40 – 70 years were selected randomly from OPD and IPD of Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital. Results: In the series of trial for 21 days , swelling was relieved faster than other sign and symptoms. Swelling before treatment mean ±SD was 1.10 ±.662 and after 21 days of treatment declined to .40±.498 (p<.001). Statistically it showed a high significant result corresponding to indication of a highly effective intervention for decrease in swelling Discussion: This study was found to be in consistent with other studies carried out in different parts of the world. Conclusion: Statistically significant results indicates effective intervention of Til Taila for decrease in the symptom of swelling in Sandhigatavat (OA). This study may be used as a baseline study for more advanced studies.

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