Study of pattern of fatal intracranial hemorrhages

AUTHOR(s) : Jawale SM1, Bhise SS2, Hoval Prashant3, Nanandkar SD4
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i1.2018.6


A lot of incidents related to the head region could lead to death, but for simplicity’s sake, these incidents are mainly of two broad categories- either non-traumatic (natural) or traumatic (violent). Of all the regional injuries, those of head and neck are found to most common and most important. Material and methods: In autopsy room Grant Govt. Medical College Mumbai, more cases with intracranial hemorrhages brought for autopsy compared to other medicolegal cases. The present study was conducted over such fatal intracranial hemorrhage cases at Grant Govt. Medical College & Sir J. J. Hospital Mumbai over the period of five months from 1st Jan 2017 to 31st May 2017. Total 100 autopsies were conducted during study time out of which 80 cases of males and 20 cases of females of fatal intracranial hemorrhage were observed and studied in detail. Result: The post-mortem study revealed that males were outnumbered than female and highest number being in the age group of the 21 -40 years. Road traffic accidents 37 cases (37%) were responsible for most of them, followed by accidental fall 19(19%), homicidal assault deaths were recorded as the 8 cases (8%). Conclusion: Blunt crania-cerebral trauma was the predominant cause of death identified in this study. In natural causes hypertension was the most common cause of intra-cranial hemorrhage. Intracranial hemorrhage was less in death due to drowning and still birth.

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