Patient's satisfaction with nursing care at tertiary care centre

AUTHOR(s) : Dutta Nabajani1, Mahanta Putul2, Das Kahua3
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i1.2018.9


Patient’s satisfaction has become increasingly popular, as a critical component in the measurement of nursing skill. Objectives: To assess the level of patient satisfaction with nursing care and its association with various demographic variables. Materials and methods: This descriptive study design with over 64 patients at tertiary care centre was done by using a pre-text, pre-designed proforma. Result: Quite a good number of patients, i.e., 72% has showed their moderate satisfaction with the ways that nursing professional undertake. Conclusion: Nursing care is a key determinant of overall patient satisfaction during hospital admission. The nurses need to know what factors influence patient satisfaction, if we have to improve the quality of health care.

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