Assessment of awareness, knowledge, attitude and practiceregarding organ donation among medical teachers and post-graduate

AUTHOR(s) : Nayak Manjit, Khubchandani HT, Patani Kalpesh, Dewangan Tikendra
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i2.2019.13

Introduction: Organ donation deals with the surgery whichincludes harvesting the organ and transplants them into endstage organ disease patient which on progression required organtransplantation surgeries. Organ donation rate in India is only0.26 per million.1 Absence of consciousness about therequirement of organ donation and the unfamiliarity amongmedical fraternity regarding its significance knowledge andlegal issues create the huge splintering for end stage organdisease Patient. The objective of this study is to assess theawareness, knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organdonation among the Medical Teachers, & students perusingPost-Graduation. Materials and methods: Study wasconducted among 100 subjects, where 50 Medical Teachers &50 students pursuing Post-Graduation have participated.Questionnaires are distributed in order to assess their awareness,knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organ donationamong the Medical Teachers, & students perusing Post-Graduation. Collected Data was analysed using MicrosoftExcel program. Results: Total 100 subjects participated in thisstudy, among this 50 are Medical Teachers & 50 are studentpursuing post-graduation. Only 33% have gone through theprovisions of Transplantation of human organ & tissue act,1994, although 68% among them have motivated the patient’srelative for the organ donation. Conclusion: Requirement fororgan donation have been showing tremendous upsurge trendsas there are increased number of patients diagnosed with endstage organ disease. On the other side lack of awareness,knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organ donationshall hamper the current scenario for upgradation of healthstatus among end stage organ disease patient.

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