Role of journal clubs in undergraduate medical education in India

AUTHOR(s) : Mahanta Putul
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i2.2019.1

A journal club is a group of people who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the academic literature, such as the literatures in the medical field and other scientific areas. It helps in simplifying the application of evidence-based medicine to some other areas of medical practice. Participants in journal club can express their views about the appropriateness on the research questions, hypothesis, design and statistical analysis of the article discussed. Clinical research gives us the insight to learn to prevent, diagnose, and treat illnesses, hence directly impacting people’s health. It involves different elements of scientific investigation and human participation. Training in clinical research,1 therefore, highlights the extent of needs for research-oriented medical education throughout the country which is an important need at the present juncture. There is a need to involve the undergraduate medical students in rigorous research activities at the medical colleges and universities to improve the research-oriented medical education where journal club may play an active role.

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