A clinico-bacteriological study of leprosy cases in a tertiary care hospital of North-East India

AUTHOR(s) : Borah AK, Bora Simi, Kataki Monjuri, Hussain Ezaz
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i2.2019.2

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Although the elimination target has been achieved at the national level, leprosy still continues to be an important disease in several parts of India. Slit-skin smear microscopy plays an important role in an early and accurate diagnosis. Materials and methods: All clinically suspected referred cases of leprosy from the dermatology department during the time period were included in the study. After taking a detailed history and physical examination, Slit Skin Smears were done in all cases. All the slit skin smear were examined by doing Z-N staining and cases were classified as multibacillary or paucibacillary on the basis of the result of smear examination. Result: Out of 144 cases, 72.22% (104/144) were male and 27.78% (40/144) were female. Age of the patients ranged from 7 years to 72 years. Majority of cases 48.61% (70/144) were of age group 20-39. Majority of the patients (121/144, 84.03%) were from a lower socioeconomic background whereas 15.97% (23/144) patients were from middle-income group. Hypopigmented patch (63.89%, 92/144) and nodular lesions (59.72%, 86/144) were common presentations and few cases with loss of extremities along with ulcer. Out of 144 cases, 36 cases (25%) showed smear-positive and 108 cases (75%) showed smear negative on slit skin smear examination. Conclusion: So many years after the study, leprosy still remains an important problem to bring it under an expected level of control. This study indicates high circulation of lepra bacilli in the community in the

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