Uric acid level and its relationship with the dietary habits of people in greater Kamrup of Assam

AUTHOR(s) : Doungel Nomi, Gogoi Gourangie, Kataki Monjuri
DOI No. : 10.31741/ ijhrmlp.v6.i1.2020.9

Introduction : The evidence for a relationship between dietary patterns and uric acid concentrations is scanty. In the state of Assam, a diverse group of the community lives with different food habit. This original paper has aimed to evaluate and compare a relationship between Serum Uric Acid level in relation to dietary intake and alcohol consumption among the different community of Kamrup district of Assam. Materials and methods: The present study was conducted among Ahom, Adivasi, Bodo, Bengali, Karbi, Manipuri and Marwari communities in Greater Kamrup District of Assam. Samples were collected by stratified random sampling technique. Serum uric acid level in relation to dietary intake and alcohol consumption were evaluated and compared. Results: Uric acid level of Bodo and Ahom community is found higher in comparison to Manipuri, Bengali, Adivasi and Marwari. High Uric acid level is absent among of vegetarian category whereas non vegetarian who take alcohol have significant high uric acid level. Conclusion: Balance dietary habits need to be placed in the context of overall health promotion; disease prevention and disease treatment with appropriate attention to nutritional needs.

Keywords: Gout; diet; alcohol; community; purine.

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