Effect of the video-assisted planned programme on breastself-examination among married women

AUTHOR(s) : Sarma Bitumani, Bhuyan Hemeswari, Das Krishna
DOI No. : 10.31741/ ijhrmlp.v6.i2.2020.8

Introduction: Early detection of breast cancer plays an important role in decreasing its morbidity and mortality. This paper aims to assess the level of knowledge on breast self-examination (BSE), the effect of VAPTP (Full meaning?)and to find out the association between pre-test knowledge on BSE among married women. Materials and methods: An evaluative research approach and one group pre-test and post-test pre-experimental design were adopted. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 116 married women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used to collect the demographic variables and to assess the knowledge of BSE. In the study the independent variable was VAPTP and the dependent variable was the effect of VAPTP. Results: In the pre-test,98.2% had moderate levels of knowledge on BSE and 89.66%had adequate, 10.34% had moderate levels of knowledge in post-test. The finding also shows that there is no significant association between the pre-test knowledge scores with the selected demographic variables at 0.5 levels of significance. Conclusion: It can be asserted that BSE is an effective way to improve the knowledge of married women. So, the health worker should conduct screening programme and health camp regarding BSE as a preventive measure of breast cancer in the society. This will be helpful to reduce stigma and attitude of society towards breast cancer and BSE.
Keywords: Breast cancer; knowledge; preventive measure.

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