Unusual Pregabalin dependence following opioid detoxification: a case report

AUTHOR(s) : Senjam Gojendra, Samal Biswajeet, Sahu Prabinkumar, Haobijam Asheema
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v7.i1.2021.17


A 20-year-old unmarried male belonging to high socioeconomic status was initially treated with a low dose of Buprenorphine for severe opioid withdrawal. Most of the withdrawal symptoms and signs subsided following the treatment, but few symptoms such as sleep disturbance and mild body ache persisted after 4 months of detoxification. To alleviate his symptoms, he initially started with 3-4 tablets of pregabalin (75 mg) per day which he could get from the pharmacy without any prescription. He gradually increased the dose day by day. Finally, he took around 40 tablets per day which is approximately 3000 mg of pregabalin per day. He was admitted to the Psychiatry Department, and the pregabalin was gradually tapered. A high dose of long-acting Benzodiazepines was initiated, and he also received few sessions of motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and relapse prevention(RP).


Keywords: Abnormal: Unusual;  Pregabalin; Opioid; Dependence.


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