Enamel surface damage during debonding of ceramic brackets: a brief review

AUTHOR(s) : Bora Neelutpal, Konwar Ranjumoni
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v7.i1.2021.19


Like general dentistry, the orthodontic speciality also felt the need for aesthetic orthodontic appliances due to increased demand among adult patients, which has led to the development of various aesthetically superior devices. Since the ceramic brackets (CB) were introduced to the orthodontic speciality, they have become an integral part of the armamentarium for this speciality. The makeup and clinical performance have greatly improved. Compared to conventional stainless-steel brackets (SSB), the superior aesthetics of care are not only well accepted by the patient, particularly by adults. However, the brittle nature of CB has resulted in a high incidence of bracket failure like a fracture during debonding using different techniques. This review paper has reread the effectiveness of different debonding strategies for CB and appraises the enamel surface damages caused by it.


Keywords: Debonding techniques; scanning electron microscopy (SEM); effectiveness.

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