A prospective study on spectrum of dermatoses of pregnancy in a tertiary care centre of Northern Assam

AUTHOR(s) : Teron Binita, Deka Jatindra, Phukan Debasish, Deka Gitanjali
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v7.i2.2021.2


Background and aims: During pregnancy, various metabolic, hormonal, and immunological changes occur and may also alter the course of preexisting dermatological diseases and tumours. The present study aims to determine the prevalence of dermatoses of pregnancy and its various clinical spectrum in this region. Methods: A one-year cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital of Assam from July 2018 to June 2019. Pregnant women with cutaneous manifestations, irrespective of their gestational age, were included after full consent. A detailed history of obstetrics, medical and family history was taken from the selected patients. Clinical examinations and laboratory tests were performed. Data were documented on a predesigned proforma. The data were analysed using Microsoft- Excel. The data were presented as frequency and percentages. Results: Out of 5558 pregnant women, 150 (2.69%) women had dermatoses. Most of the patients were primigravida (52%) and at their third trimester (62%). The most common symptom was pruritus (52%) and Hyperpigmentation was the most common physiological cutaneous change (94.6%). Striae distensae was most observed over the abdomen (80%). Common sites of pigmentation were the external genitalia (93.3%) and breast (91.3%). Vascular changes were observed in 55 (36.6%) patients. Out of the 150 cases, 15 (10%) subjects had specific dermatoses of pregnancy, 89 (59.3%) cases had infection and 19 (12.6%) cases had non-infective dermatoses. Conclusion: Pregnant women are prone to suffer from a wide range of various dermatological problems. A conscientious and meticulous search into all cutaneous complaints of pregnancy will decrease the mortality and morbidity of pregnant women.

Keywords: Dermatoses; pregnancy; hyperpigmentation; physiological cutaneous change, striae distensae.

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