The IJHRMLP is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes abstracts with full-text articles. It publishes the following types of articles.

Types of the article:

The following files should be submitted:


IJHRMLP strongly recommend that the author write concisely and stick to the following guidelines:

[This word count includes titles to references.]

The title should be no more than 20 words, and the abstract should be no more than 250 words, excluding the keywords.


The following files should be submitted:


The title page (devoid of the manuscript) should be submitted separately through the editor's email at with the following details.


Mention the type of the paper, whether original, review, case report, letter to the editor, short communication, court judgement, etc.


The title of the article. A short and precise running title should also be included within 10-15 words.


Full details of all the authors as below should be mentioned, specifying the corresponding author.

Author orders: Surname (1 space) initial/s (no spaces or punctuation between initials) (full-stop OR if further names comma, one space).

Example: Mahanta P1, Patowary AJ2, Saikia A3, …


Authors may submit the names, affiliations and addresses (including email) of at least two expert subject-specific reviewers other than their institution. A sentence in their support states why they are fit to review the paper of the submitting author.



The author must upload the manuscript (devoid of title page) as a blinded article through the author login page available at Any identifiable statement should not appear in the manuscript, as it will be forwarded for a double-blinded review process.


IJHRMLP is read by a truly diverse range of scientists, many of whom are non-native English speakers. Therefore, please carefully consider communicating your findings as clearly as possible. Even if you can assume a shared basic science knowledge, please don't expect everyone to be familiar with your field's specialist language or concepts. Therefore:

All manuscripts must be in British English and MS Word format (doc). The manuscript should be in A4 format with a 2.5 cm margin around the page.


All text must be in double space with continuous line numbering.


"Times/Times New Romans" all through the text.


22 points font size.

Running Title

Should not exceed ten words in 9-point font (Arial) size.

Tables and Figures

10 points font size all through. Data in Tables must be provided in the cells inside Table. The use of TABS and spacing between lines using line should be avoided.

Body of Manuscript

Use 10.5 points for the text—all caps with bold for the main headers and 10.5 points (bold) for all sub-headings.

Materials and Methods

Use 10.5 points for the header (All caps with bold) and 10.5 points for all sub-headings (bold) and other texts.

Authors' Contribution

Headers should be in 10.5 points (bold) and other texts in 10.5 points.


Headers in 10.5 points (bold), with other text in 10.5 points.


Headers in all caps and bold with a font size of 10.5 points, and all reference text also in 10.5 points.


Tables should be numbered (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.).

Each table must be brief, self-explanatory, and typed using a standard table format. Place tables at appropriate positions in the text. Titles should be at the top in sentence case, and footnotes at the bottom in italics. Only five tables are allowed per manuscript.


Please use figure tags such as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Figures should not exceed half a column width, and their legend or title must be listed at the end of the manuscript.

Figures Constraints

The author must produce photographs and graphs in any colour; diagrams MUST be drawn only in black. The legend and footnote for each Figure should be typed below the Figure. If photographs of patients are used, either the subjects are not identifiable, or their pictures must be accompanied by written informed consent to use the images for publication in a scientific journal. Photographs must be clear and sharp.

The authors should send each Figure separately along with the title page to the editor, email Images generated at low resolution for display (screen) purposes are unacceptable.

Note: Any table or Figure that can fit into a half column of a page must not be stretched into the entire page width. The Table must be in the regular grid in a Table format, and it would help if you did not use spaces to create distinctions between lines inside the Table. As much as possible, figure labels should be such that they can be read when reduced to a width of about half a column.


It should be arranged in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusion and References. However, the title page should mention the left-out issues [Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Contribution of Authors, and ethical clearance].


The abstract of an original research paper must be structured, and this should not be more than 250 words and should be arranged in the following order:

However, the abstract should not be structured for a review and case article.


Include between 3 and 10 keywords separated by semi-colon for indexing purposes. These must not include any words that already exist in the title of the manuscript.

Case Reports

Cash reports will be accepted only if they contain essential new information for the readers.

Rapid Communications

Rapid communication should describe work of significant interest whose impact would suffer if publication were not expedited. It should not be more than 2500 words. Authors may suggest that their work is treated as Rapid Communication, but the handling Editor will decide whether it is suitable. Rapid Communications requiring revision should be resubmitted as a new submission.

Technical Notes

Technical notes report new developments, significant advances and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques relevant to scientific investigations within the journal's scope. Manuscripts of this type should be short and about 2000 words only. Highly detailed and specific technical information, such as computer program codes or user manuals, can be included as electronic supplements. The manuscript's title must start with 'Technical Note:'.


Commentary articles are designed to allow experts from different fields of medical sciences to present their views on a 'hot topic' or emerging area. Commentaries should be 1000-1500 words and contain fewer than five references. Authors may suggest that their work is treated as a Commentary, but the handling Editor will decide whether it is suitable. Commentaries will not appear in the printed version of the journal.


References should be typed double-spaced and numbered manually (no bullet numbering) and arranged as per Vancouver Style consecutively in the order they are cited in the text. Intext references should be superscript and after the full without any brackets. Arabic numerals should be used in citing references in the text. Unpublished work should not be included in the list of references. In the list of references for correct abbreviations, please visit


Before submitting an article, authors need to check the instructions the author available at Please go through the following checklist at the time of submission of an article. The author must answer 'Yes' to all the items. Failure to comply with manuscript formatting requirements will result in the manuscript being returned to the author for reformatting or rejected outright.

Open Access (OA) Publication and Creative Commons Licensing

IJHRMLP is an Open Access Journal (OAJ). Articles are distributed under the CC BY under terms and conditions available at, allowing author/s to remix, tweak, and build upon the material for any commercial purpose. The new creations are licensed under identical terms, and authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication with the work.
Open Access (OA) provides wider audiences. Readers can freely access research articles without the hassle of payment or institutional support, which may be required to cover the expensive subscription.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

For members, 50% of APC is waived. An author who can't pay the fee may write an application to the editor-in-chief for the complete waiver of APC before submitting an article.

Article Type APC
Research Article Rs. 7000/- (INR)
Review Article Rs. 7000/- (INR)
Case Report/ Case Study Rs. 5000/- (INR)
Short Communication Rs. 2500/- (INR)
International Processing (For Foreign Author Only) US $ 100/-