Prof. Patowary obtained his MBBS degree from Gauhati Medical College under Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India, in 1993; a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the same institute in 1999.
He was awarded Fellow of the Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (FIAFM) at its 42nd National Conference of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine at Cuttack in 2021. Also, the Award of Distinguished Fellowship of National Foundation of Clinical Forensic Medicine (FNFCFM) was conferred in recognition & appreciation for developing a new Autopsy Incision, the Cosmetic Autopsy Incision, in September 2011 at its 4th Annual Conference Clinforensicon 2011. He is also the Fellow of the International Medical Science Academy (FIMSA).
Prof. Patowary has authored eight chapters in different undergraduate and Post-graduate books by different authors with 30 research papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals.
He is resource faculty in numerous CME, Conferences and worships both in the national and interaction level and involved in the training of the staff of different organizations on medico-legal issues including the Police and Judicial officers apart from teaching the subject Forensic Medicine and Toxicology both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is a guide for the PG in the Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences, Guwahati, Assam and North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
He is the life member of the Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, Indian Society of Toxicology, Indo Pacific Association of Law, Medicine & Science, International Medical Science Academy, National Foundation of Clinical Forensic Medicine, Indian Association of Medico-Legal Experts, Medico-legal Society of Assam, Indian Medical Association, Founder Member of Academy of Health Research and Medical Education, Academy of Health Professions Educators and was the former Joint Secretary and Vice –President (East Zone) as well as presently Executive member (East Zone) of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, the largest Academic Organization of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in India.