Dr Dhiraj Baruah received his MBBS degree from the Guwahati Medical College, India, in 1998 and his MD (Radiology) from Assam Medical College, India, in 2004. He went for further training in India and the USA and joined the Medical College of Wisconsin as a faculty in 2012. While in Wisconsin, he took leadership responsibilities as Chief of Cardiothoracic Radiology, Chief of Emergency Radiology, Co-Director of Cardiac MRI, Program Director, Scanlon Cardiothoracic Fellowship, Cardiothoracic lead for Center of Imaging Research. He moved to the Medical University of South Carolina in 2020. He has leadership responsibilities as Vice Chair of Quality and Safety and Division Director of Thoracic Imaging. He is a current fellow of the Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Besides leadership activities, Dr Baruah is also involved in editorial activities for different journals. He is a panel reviewer for the well-recognized radiology journal ‘Radiographics’. He is an associate editor of the journal Cureus. He is a current reviewer of the following journals: Radiology, Radiology – Cardiothoracic Imaging, Radiographics, European Journal of Radiology, and Acta Radiologica. He received multiple awards for reviewing articles, including ‘Reviewer with Distinction’ for ‘Radiology’. He is a question writer for the American Board of Radiology.
Dr Baruah published multiple peer-reviewed publications and presented numerous presentations to invited faculty members from both national and international Society of Thoracic Radiology, the Association of University Radiologists, and the American College of Radiology. Dr Baruah delivered an invited grand round talk at Yale University on MR in lung cancer. He was invited as a visiting faculty member at Guilin Medical University in China in 2018. Dr Baruah received awards from different national and international radiology societies, including ‘Magna Cum Laude’ from the largest radiology organization, ‘Radiology Society of North America’.
Dr Baruah mentors undergraduate students, medical students, residents, and fellows in the USA and internationally. He is currently an assigned mentor for the international sources, such as the Society.
Dr Baruah is an active member of different academic organizations, including the ABR Cardiac Certifying Committee, AUR RRA Task Force on Academic-Corporate Partnerships: Artificial Intelligence, AUR RRA Task Force on Burnout, NASCI (North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging) Membership Committee, NASCI International Committee, NASCI Fellowship Committee, NASCI Publications & Guidelines Committee, ACR Economics Committee on Interventional and Cardiovascular Radiology, SCMR Public Relations committee, STR Adhoc Online Content Committee, Aquifer case editor (2021 – current) etc.