Author(s): Dutta N
Cite this article as: Dutta N. Prevalence And Awareness Of Diabetes And Risk Factors For Developing Diabetic Retinopathy: A Cross-sectional Study. Int J Health Res Medico Leg Prae. 2024 Jan-June;10(1):24-31. Doi: 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v10.i1.2024.4
Background and aims: This study assessed the prevalence of diabetes, awareness of diabetes and risk factors for developing diabetic retinopathy among patients attending eye OPD (Outpatient Department). Risk factors for the development of diabetic retinopathy are also assessed.
Methods: Using convenient sampling, a hospital-based cross-sectional pilot study was used among 125 patients. The pre-tested, structured questionnaire was adopted along with some modifications to gather the necessary information on demographic characteristics, the IRDS (Indian Diabetes Risk Score), and awareness questionnaires on DM (Diabetic Mellitus) and DR (Diabetic Retinopathy).
Results: 125 patients consented to participate and were included in the study. Most participants were aged 51–60, comprising 41 (32.8%) of the total, and 67 (53.6%) were female. The majority, 94 (75.2%), identified as Hindu, and 87 (69.6%) came from nuclear families. A significant portion, 92 (73.6%), were married, while 41 (32.8%) were illiterate. Regarding family income, 57 (45.6%) fell within the Rs 11,837 to Rs 17,755 bracket, and 82 (65.6%) were unemployed. Dietary habits leaned towards non-vegetarian, with 102 (81.6%) participants following such a diet. In terms of diabetes risk, 69 (55.2%) were at moderate risk, and 52 (41.6%) had a known history of diabetes mellitus. Study findings show that risk factors for developing DR are a history of diabetes with a duration of <5 years and type II Diabetes, physical inactivity, history of cataract surgery, insulin/oral diabetic treatment, tobacco consumption, RBS (Random blood sugar) (101-200mg/dl), level of cholesterol (200–239 mg/ dl ) and urea level (26–35mg/dl). There is a significant association between awareness and age, marital status, education, family income, knowledge of diabetic eyes, and frequency of eye checkups. There is also a significant association between awareness and gender, religion, type of family, marital status, and education, which was significant at p<0.05. Conclusion: A majority of the participants had moderate risk for DM as well as moderate awareness regarding DM. Health education and promotion will also help increase awareness regarding diabetes in the country.
Keywords: Prevalence; awareness; diabetes; risk factors; diabetic retinopathy
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